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Saturday, April 23, 2011

SANDAG Draft Regional Bike Plan

From  Stephan writes:

"Here is a notice about the release of the draft Regional Transportation Plan by SANDAG (where I work) for review and comment by the public. The RTP is a $110 billion plan for the next 40 years that, among other things, proposes spending $2.58 billion to make the San Diego region a better place for bicycling and walking.

The SANDAG Board of Directors has released the Draft 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and its Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). The release of the Draft 2050 RTP has started the public comment period [emphasis added]. ...

Public Hearings and Public Workshops are scheduled in June. We encourage your review and comment on the Draft 2050 RTP and its SCS [emphasis added].

...At the same meeting, the Board of Directors approved an initial strategy for implementing the Regional Bike Plan, which is incorporated into the RTP." 

Sign up to receive the 2050 RTP electronic newsletter at

People, I can't emphasize enough how vital it is that San Diego invests - and continues to invest - in a viable bicycle transportation infrastructure.  The benefits are enormous: reduced air pollution, improved health, less reliance on foreign oil, greater enjoyment of our community, etc.  If you ask me, every dollar spent on the regional bicycle plan is money wisely spent.  This is not extravagance, people.  Benefits vastly outweigh the costs.  As the price of oil continues to climb bicycles are becoming a necessary alternative mode of transportation.

And yet, to encourage some segment of the motorized crowd to forsake their cars for bicycles we can't simply throw them into the deep end of the pool.  For their sake, for all our sakes, the roads of San Diego have to become friendlier to bicyclists, more accommodating, safer, and more realistic.

Turning San Diego in a bicycling mecca isn't something that'll happen overnight.  But it'll happen.  Oh yes, it'll happen.


SANDAG Draft Regional Transportation Plan

SANDAG Draft Regional Bicycle Plan

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